About the Pewter Craft
Pewter, the second alloy known to man, is one of the most versatile and beautiful metals in use today. This tin based alloy can be cast, cut, formed, fused and spun. Using a lead-free alloy developed in the late 1790’s, Three Feathers Pewter ® creates functional pieces in the Early American style, including plates, goblets, spoons, bowls, and candlesticks as well as buttons from various historical periods and jewelry of traditional symbols and shapes. The designs have won numerous awards for their beauty and simplicity and have been chosen by Early American Homes magazine for excellence in craftsmanship. Pewter, as an alloy, can be traced back through over 5000 years of history to the time of the Bronze age. The earliest pewter, a combination of tin with a small percentage of copper and a significant portion of lead was used in the Orient for decorative and religious vessels. The Romans knew and used pewter to a considerable extent and had developed a great deal of expertise in its working. Besides utensils, the Romans used pewter for coins and seals of office. By the Renaissance most European nations were well advanced in the working and use of pewter. Pewter Guilds were formed in various European countries as early as the 1300’s. Early pewter was primarily cast in a variety of mold materials or hammered and formed from ingot. In the late eighteenth century, with the development of a pewter alloy containing antimony (sometimes called Britannia) the technique of spinning pewter disks over wooden forms was developed. This process may be witnessed at the Three Feathers Pewter ® studio where disks are spun and formed into a variety of shapes over hard maple forms produced by and for Three Feathers Pewter ® in various historic designs. As Three Feathers Pewter ® develops our own spinning forms, we also make our own molds and do our own casting in the studio. Many of the cast pieces are done by a direct molding process from historic originals or are developed through research and hand making of an original using either the lost wax method or acid etch engraving. These pieces are then placed in a centrifugal mold for casting. Cast pieces are finished by hand then combined with spun parts by fusing to create the beautiful pieces on display and available for purchase.
~ What are the U.S. Federal Guidelines on pewter? ~
The United States Federal Trade Commission Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries reads as follows: § 23.8 Misrepresentation as to content of pewter. (a) It is unfair or deceptive to mark, describe, or otherwise represent all or part of an industry product as "Pewter" or any abbreviation if such mark or description misrepresents the product's true composition. (b) An industry product or part thereof may be described or marked as "Pewter" or any abbreviation if it consists of at least 900 parts per 1000 Grade A Tin, with the remainder composed of metals appropriate for use in pewter.
~ What's the difference between Pewter and Britannia? ~
"PEWTER" Pewter is an alloy of TIN and other metals, commonly Lead (for malleability), Copper, Antimony, Bismuth and occasionally Zinc (all as hardeners). Historically there was no Silver in the alloy. The term "Poor Man's Silver" was a comment on those who would polish their pewter to make it look like Silver. The first pewter was used over 5000 years ago for coins, jewelry and vessels such as bottles, plates and drinking cups. In the Colonial Period in North America, there were many pewterers carrying on the European traditions of making fine plates, bowls, drinking vessels, and "any uncommon Thing in Pewter in any Shape or Form as shall be Ordered". Not all old pewter contained lead as is sometimes believed. There were different classes of pewter with the finest using only Tin, Copper and Antimony. Tavern tankards, pitchers and flagons as well as plates did contain lead which made the pewter more malleable so that dents could be easily repaired. Pewter jewelry was commonly used by those who could not afford Silver and gold as well as by Native Americans who could melt and cast their own pewter pieces over camp fires. Three Feathers Pewter uses "Crown" formula pewter - 93% Tin - 6% Antimony - 1% Copper, developed in Great Britain during the late 18th Century. It does not now, and never did contain Lead.
"BRITANNIA" defined in: American Pewter: by J. B. Kerfoot; Bonanza Books, New York, 1924 "...'Britannia' was a trade name given to a superfine grade of pewter by some English makers along about the middle of the eighteenth century. That it then differed little if at all from other tin-copper-antimony alloys in occasional use can be seen by taking the fourth formula in the above list (reproduced below), calculating it for one hundred fifty parts of tin instead of for ninety parts as given, and comparing the result with the ninth formula.
We then get the following:
TINCOPPERANTIMONYPlate Pewter (3)...............150 (92%)3.33 (3%)11 (6%)Good Britannia Metal........150 (92%)3 (3%)10 (6%)
"It looks as though the name may have been more of an advertising dodge than indicative of a metallurgical innovation. And it may not be altogether a coincidence that this advertising mane was adopted just at the time when pewter's monopoly of the tableware business was being first seriously threatened by the growing use of china."
~ The Care & Cleaning of Pewter ~
How do I care for my Pewter?
The first rule in caring for Pewter is USE IT. Handling gives Pewter its distinctive patina. Like your fine crystal, after each use, gently hand wash your Pewter in mild soap and warm water, followed by gentle towel drying. An occasional cleaning with an ammonia based glass cleaner will remove any soap film. We do not recommend putting your Pewter in the dishwasher. Don’t use your Pewter as a food storage container, and always line your Pewter with glass or plastic if you intend to use it for plants or flowers. With very little care, your Pewter will retain its beautiful luster for many years.
Can my Pewter be repaired?
Surface scratches and minor blemishes can be removed using 0000 steel wool or a moistened "Scotch-Brite"* pad by blending the scratch into the satin finish. Other repairs such as dents and accidental bends are best left to a skilled artisan.
~ Finding the Origin of Your Pewter ~
How do I find out what company made my Pewter?
Many who have inherited, been gifted with or collected pewter over the years would like to know what company originally made their pewter. Most pewter pieces have a "makers mark" or "stamp", usually located on the bottom. Those "marks" can be research on the internet, through your local library and through pewter clubs and organizations.
How do I find out how much my old pewter is worth?
To find out the current value of your pewter it is suggested you take your pewter to a Licensed Appraiser.
* "Scotch Brite" is a trademark of the 3M Co.

Willa Hollingsworth (Owner) David N. Three Feathers Jones (Retired)
David N. Three Feathers Jones graduated with a B.S.Ed. from Indiana University of PA in 1967 after Naval service in Vietnam, and taught for several years in both Florida and Pennsylvania before taking the position of Education Director at Meadowcroft Village in Avella, PA. After two years there, he accepted the position of Director of the historic David Bradford House where he developed the first person interpretation program as well as historic interpretive events.
During this time, he became involved in "war gaming" with miniatures and learned to make his own, casting in self-made molds using what he later found out was an early pewter formula. This expanded into casting buttons and jewelry for reenactment groups and led to the formation of Three Feathers Pewter® on January 13, 1984.
He apprenticed to Carl Steen, a Master Pewterer and learned the rare art of spinning pewter. When Master Steen passed over, Mr. Jones purchased his estate including tools, equipment, and patterns. This led to the development of the Three Feathers Pewter® functional line of lead-free pewterware. Further study with William Melchior, Master, of North Wales, PA and other Masters, refined and expanded his skills in this rare and disappearing art form. He continues to learn, and through continued research, develops new offerings as reproductions of traditional pieces or adaptations for modern usage.
The Three Feathers indicates Mr. Jones' Welsh heritage, his adoption by a Shawnee family.
Willa Hollingswoth, Owner of Three Feathers Pewter® and Journeyman Pewterer, joined Three Feathers Pewter® after meeting Mr. Jones and becoming enthralled with pewter and its making. In January of 1997 Willa became Apprentice to Mr. Jones and after seven years of instruction advanced to the level of Journeyman Pewterer. In July of 2006 Willa purchased Three Feathers Pewter® and Mr. Jones has since retired yet continues on as Master Pewterer.
Over the years Willa and Mr. Jones have received into their shop and have journeyed to study with other Masters. In doing so Willa has sharpened her skills in every aspect of pewtering. Willa has assisted in developing several pieces that are in current use and has also developed pieces of her own for future use on the Three Feathers Pewter® line.
Three Feathers Pewter® has received numerous awards and honors including being named to the "Early American Homes" directory of top 200 Traditional Artisans in the US, inclusion in the State of Ohio Archives of Vanishing Traditional Arts, is honored to be the November picture for both the 1999 and 2000 "Early American Homes" calendar, and was commissioned by the White House to create an ornament for the 1999 White House Blue Room Christmas Tree.
The Three Feathers Pewter® Studio and Gallery in Millersburg, Ohio opened on October 1, 1995 and is designed to permit visitors to watch the actual process of spinning pieces, something which can only be witnessed in only several other places in the United States.